Frequently asked questions

Applications for the occupation of the incubator

1. What is a business incubator?

An incubator is a space dedicated to entrepreneurship and the development and maturation of new ideas, which aims to support entrepreneurs in the process of sustainable development of their businesses. Incubators such as Startup Albufeira seek to encourage the creation and consolidation of new companies, with a view to promoting entrepreneurship that generates economic and social development.

2. What are the advantages of having my project incubated?

Sharing of ideas between the various incubated companies/entrepreneurs, access to various services and resources, such as tailor-made training, workshops, mentoring, networking, Ideation and Acceleration Programs, Bootcamps and support in funding applications.

3. If I get incubated, what do I have access to?

If incubated, the incubator provides:

  • ∼ Administrative support services;
  • ∼ Electricity;
  • ∼ Sanitary facilities;
  • ∼ General maintenance and cleaning;
  • ∼ Business address and meeting room;
  • ∼ Access to the telephone network and internet, to be requested from the operators by the incubated companies.

4. What services are available in the space?

Entrepreneurs / incubated companies have access to the following services:

  • ∼ Permanent access to facilities;
  • ∼ Consumption of electricity and water;
  • ∼ Reception service (working days between 9 am and 5 pm) for:
    •     . Telephone reception and service;
    •     . Mail distribution;
    •     . Scheduling meeting room.
  • ∼ Support services through the AGE — Albufeira Entrepreneurship Office;
  • ∼ Support for the promotion of the incubated company, through the dissemination of its services;
  • ∼ Publicity on the website and other means of the Municipality of Albufeira;
  • ∼ Organization and participation in joint initiatives with the Municipality;
  • ∼ Promotion of training activities for partners and/or employees of the company;
  • ∼ Other services and support according to the needs and interests of the projects that will be incubated.

5. Does the application have any cost?

No, the application process has no associated cost.

6. Who can apply?

All singular persons (Individual Entrepreneurs and Liberal Professionals) and legal persons (Commercial Companies), holders of innovative ideas and projects with business potential, formally incorporated less than 2 (two) years in relation to the date of submission of the application, as well as those whose constitution process is in progress on the date of formalization of the application.

7. What kind of projects are accepted?

In most cases, any type of company/project that aims to develop and market products or services with an innovative character and high potential may be admitted, with preference for companies/projects related to Creativity and Tourism.

8. Is it necessary to have the company already created?

No. Individual or legal persons who are in the process of incorporation on the date of formalization of the application may integrate the incubator.

9. What do I need to do to submit my application?

Applications are submitted solely and exclusively on the Startup Albufeira website, on the application page.

Applications sent by other means will not be accepted.

The interested party must fill in the application form and attach all the documents required by the Regulation.

In the case of a legal person (Commercial Company), the following documents must be attached to the application form:

  • ∼ Copy of the citizen’s card or identity card, or, in the case of a foreign citizen, of another identification document, and the Portuguese tax and social security identification number of all the constituent members of the Commercial Company, with the mention “I authorize reproduction exclusively for the purposes of applying to the Albufeira Business Reception Centre”;
  • ∼ Copy of the articles of association or statute;
  • ∼ Registration certificate at the Commercial Registry Office or indication of the online access code to the permanent certificate;
  • ∼ Copy of the Qualification Certificates of its constituent members;
  • ∼ Certificate of non-existence of debts to the Tax and Customs Authority, alternatively, authorization may be made available to the Municipality of Albufeira for electronic confirmation of the respective tax situation, taking into account the following data:
    •      . Tax Identification Number: 503539473
    •      . Social Security Identification Number: 20010261534
  • ∼ Certificate of non-existence of debts to Social Security, alternatively, authorization may be made available to the Municipality of Albufeira for electronic confirmation of the respective contributory situation, taking into account the following data:
    •      . Tax Identification Number: 503539473
    •      . Social Security Identification Number: 20010261534
  • ∼ Business plan;
  • ∼ Economic feasibility study;
  • ∼ Other document(s) proving the creative and innovative nature of the project.

In the case of a singular person (Individual Entrepreneur / Liberal Professional), the following documents must be attached to the application form:

  • ∼ Copy of the citizen’s card or identity card, or, in the case of a foreign citizen, of another identification document, and the Portuguese tax and social security identification number of the ENI/ Liberal Professional, with the mention “I authorize the reproduction exclusively for the purposes of applying to the Albufeira Business Reception Centre”;
  • ∼ Copy of the entrepreneur’s Qualification Certificate;
  • ∼ Certificate of non-existence of debts to the Tax and Customs Authority, alternatively, authorization may be made available to the Municipality of Albufeira for electronic confirmation of the respective tax situation, taking into account the following data:
    •      . Tax Identification Number: 503539473
    •      . Social Security Identification Number: 20010261534
  • ∼ Certificate of non-existence of debts to Social Security, alternatively, authorization may be made available to the Municipality of Albufeira for electronic confirmation of the respective contributory situation, taking into account the following data:
    •      . Tax Identification Number: 503539473
    •      . Social Security Identification Number: 20010261534
  • ∼ Start of activity and respective changes;
  • ∼ Business plan;
  • ∼ Economic feasibility study;
  • ∼ Other document(s) proving the creative and innovative nature of the project.

10. What are the costs associated with physical incubation?

The approved monthly values for the year 2021 are as follows:

  • ∼ 7,5€/m2 for spaces of 16,30m2; 12,50m2; 12,70m2 e 12,80m2.
  • ∼ 25€ pfor the use of each of the 24 individual workstations that make up the common work room, with an area of 60,60m2.

11. If incubated, what is the duration of the contract?

The contract will be concluded for a period of 1 year, automatically renewable for equal and successive periods of time, with a maximum limit of 3 years.

12. I've been reviewing the documents and I have some doubts. How can I clarify them?

All doubts or questions related to Startup Albufeira should be sent by email to the email address startupalbufeira@cm-albufeira.pt . The answers will be provided in the same way.