The incubator
The incubator

Startup Albufeira

Startup Albufeira – Centro de Acolhimento Empresarial is the business incubator promoted by the Municipality of Albufeira, in partnership with Territórios Criativos, and counts on two different poles: on with an emphasis on creativity and tourism and the other on endogenous products and gastronomy.
The incubator is a municipal equipment destined to foster and support innovative projects with a business potential that aim at establishing themselves in Albufeira, contributing for the development of the local business tissue and enhancing the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the municipal economy.

The pole dedicated to the areas of Creativity and Tourism is located at the CAE - Centro de Acolhimento Empresarial, at Rua das Escolas, Albufeira.

The pole dedicated to Endogenous Products and Gastronomy is in Paderne, at a former primary school.

To support projects that promote an inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

To modernize infrastructures, making them more sustainable and efficient regarding the usage of resources and the adoption of clean and environmentally correct industrial processes.

To develop inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities, and foster innovation as well as, strengthen the efforts for preserving cultural and natural heritage.

To develop and encourage companies’ sustainable management and efficient usage of natural resources, by adopting sustainable practices and integrating information regarding sustainability in the activity reports.
Spaces and Infrastructures
Co-work spaces | Individual offices | Meeting Rooms | Eating facilities | Common spaces for networking purposes
The Municipality of Albufeira
Located at the center of Algarve, in the southernmost region of Portugal, Albufeira is the county capital of and is a part of the district of Faro. With warm and dry summers, and mild winters, Albufeira is currently one of the main touristic centers of the country. Beyond Tourism and Gastronomy as the main drivers of the region, Albufeira holds an historical and cultural heritage that represents the spirit and strength of its people.